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Minton adopts the US general education model to design an extensive internal curriculum
To provide online one-to-one and other small-class lessons.
To assist Minton students in exploring their subject interests and to improve their humanistic literacy.
>Master humanistic writing classes

>English Classic Reading Course

>AMC Course

>Python Programming

>Math Modelling

>Robotic Design

>Innovation Explosion Workshop

>Fun Java Practical lessons

>Personal Statement training camps

>Leadership lessons

>NYT Writing Contest lessons

>Scholastic Art & Writing Awards lessons

>National History Day lessons

>John Locke Essay Contest lessons
Academic achievement is a crucial factor in determining the outcome of college applications.
The best way to demonstrate a student's academic abilities is by participating in academic competitions or events.
Excelling in these competitions helps students stand out among many applicants.
Humanities Competition Coaching
New York Times Student Contest

Scholastic Art & Writing Awards

National History Day

John Locke Essay Contest

Ocean Awareness Essay Contest

Diamond Challenge Entrepreneur Contest
Science Competition Coaching
American Mathematics Competition (AMC)

Intel Science and Engineering Fair

Regeneron Science Talent Search

Junior Science and Humanity Symposium

S.-T. Yau High School Science Award
National Association for
College Admission counseling
Minton International Education
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